Category Archives: Makeup

Importance of Enhancing Natural Features

Although as it seems, this could just be another Blog about how vulnerable young girls can ‘cake up’ their face using the latest products… but cliché as it sounds beauty does lie in the eye of the beholder.

Beauty interpretations.

I would like to teach tips and home remedies about how to look after your skin and keep it looking healthy, as well as showing you a few ideas and looks that appeal to me. I will show you what I like to personally use, but this is in no way saying you should use any of the same products as me. Everyone is different and unique, therefore different things will work for different people, I am simply just expressing my view on beauty.

I would love to have feedback from you all, as I find constructive criticism helpful and I love hearing your thoughts and opinions.

A visual Representation of Natural Beauty in the Eye of the Beholder